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  1.   0 Education of Henry Adams                                  T
  2.   1 Balanced Government                                       T
  3.   1 Character of Franklin                                     T
  4.   1 Characteristic Entries in his Diary                       T
  5.   1 Selections from Adams' Correspondence                     T
  6.   3 Agamemnon                                                 T
  7.   3 Choephori                                                 T
  8.   3 Eumenides                                                 T
  9.   3 Persians                                                  T
  10.   3 Prometheus Bound                                          T
  11.   3 Seven Against Thebes                                      T
  12.   3 Suppliants                                                T
  13.   2 Oration of Aeschines against Ctesiphon                    T
  14.   4 Two Crabs                                                 T
  15.   4 Two Fellows and the Bear                                  T
  16.   4 Androcles and the Lion                                    T
  17.   4 Ant and the Chrysalis                                     T
  18.   4 Aesop's Fables II                                         T
  19.   4 Ant and the Grasshopper                                   T
  20.   4 Ass and his Purchaser                                     T
  21.   4 Cage Bird and the Bat                                     T
  22.   4 Crow and the Pitcher                                      T
  23.   4 Dog and the Shadow                                        T
  24.   4 Dove and the Ant                                          T
  25.   4 Fox and the Goat                                          T
  26.   4 Fox and the Mask                                          T
  27.   4 Frogs and the Well                                        T
  28.   4 Hercules and Pallas                                       T
  29.   4 Hercules and the Wagoner                                  T
  30.   4 Little Boy and Fortune                                    T
  31.   4 Lost Wig                                                  T
  32.   4 Mercury and the Woodman                                   T
  33.   4 Milkmaid and her Pail                                     T
  34.   4 North Wind and the Sun                                    T
  35.   4 Old Man and Death                                         T
  36.   4 Rose and the Amaranth                                     T
  37.   4 Serpent and the Eagle                                     T
  38.   4 Shepherd Boy                                              T
  39.   4 Shipwrecked Imposter                                      T
  40.   4 Silkworm and Spider                                       T
  41.   4 Hare and the Tortoise                                     T
  42.   4 Town Mouse and the Country Mouse                          T
  43.   4 Vain Jackdaw                                              T
  44.   4 Vixen and the Lioness                                     T
  45.   5 Flower Fables                                             T
  46.   5 Little Women                                              T
  47.   5 Little Men                                                T
  48.   6 Cast Upon the Breakers                                    T
  49.   7 Selected Poems                                            T
  50.   8 Selected Poems                                            T
  51.   9 Beauty of Form and Beauty of Mind                         T
  52.   9 Bell-Deep                                                 T
  53.   9 Beetle Who Went on His Travels                            T
  54.   9 Bell                                                      T
  55.   9 Bird of Popular Song                                      T
  56.   9 Brave Tin Soldier                                         T
  57.   9 By the Almshouse Window                                   T
  58.   9 Child in the Grave                                        T
  59.   9 Children's Prattle                                        T
  60.   9 Delaying Is Not Forgetting                                T
  61.   9 Dryad                                                     T
  62.   9 Drop of Water                                             T
  63.   9 Elf of the Rose                                           T
  64.   9 Everything in the Right Place                             T
  65.   9 Flax                                                      T
  66.   9 Farm-yard Cock and the Weather-Cock                       T
  67.   9 Goloshes of Fortune                                       T
  68.   9 Girl Who Trod on the Loaf                                 T
  69.   9 Grandmother                                               T
  70.   9 Holger Danske                                             T
  71.   9 Ib and Little Christina                                   T
  72.   9 In the Nursery                                            T
  73.   9 In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea                         T
  74.   9 Jewish Maiden                                             T
  75.   9 Little Claus and Big Claus                                T
  76.   9 Little Elder-Tree Mother                                  T
  77.   9 Little Ida's Flowers                                      T
  78.   9 Loveliest Rose in the World                               T
  79.   9 Little Match-Seller                                       T
  80.   9 Little Tuk                                                T
  81.   9 Mail-Coach Passengers                                     T
  82.   9 Metal Pig                                                 T
  83.   9 Nightingale                                               T
  84.   9 Old Bachelor's Nightcap                                   T
  85.   9 Old Grave-stone                                           T
  86.   9 Ole-Luk-Oie The Dream-God                                 T
  87.   9 Ole the Tower-Keeper                                      T
  88.   9 Other Works by Andersen Hans Christian                    T
  89.   9 Portuguese Duck                                           T
  90.   9 Philosopher's Stone                                       T
  91.   9 Pen and the Inkstand                                      T
  92.   9 Princess and the Pea                                      T
  93.   9 Puppet-show Man                                           T
  94.   9 Rose from Homer's Grave                                   T
  95.   9 Saucy Boy                                                 T
  96.   9 Shirt-Collar                                              T
  97.   9 Snowdrop                                                  T
  98.   9 She was Good for Nothing                                  T
  99.   9 Silver Shilling                                           T
  100.   9 Story from the Sand-hills                                 T
  101.   9 Snow Man                                                  T
  102.   9 Snow Queen                                                T
  103.   9 Shepherdess and the Sheep                                 T
  104.   9 Soup from a Sausage Skewer                                T
  105.   9 Swan's Nest                                               T
  106.   9 Story of the Year                                         T
  107.   9 Travelling Companion                                      T
  108.   9 There is No Doubt About it                                T
  109.   9 Top and Ball                                              T
  110.   9 Ugly Duckling                                             T
  111.  12 Selected Poems                                            T
  112.  13 Orlando Furioso                                           T
  113.  14 Acharnians                                                T
  114.  14 Birds                                                     T
  115.  14 Clouds                                                    T
  116.  14 Ecclesiazusae                                             T
  117.  14 Frogs                                                     T
  118.  14 Knights                                                   T
  119.  14 Lysistrata                                                T
  120.  14 Peace                                                     T
  121.  14 Plutus                                                    T
  122.  14 Thesmophoriazusae                                         T
  123.  14 Wasps                                                     T
  124.  15 Athenian Constitution                                     T
  125.  15 Categories                                                T
  126.  15 Dreams                                                    T
  127.  15 Gait of Animals                                           T
  128.  15 Generation and Corruption                                 T
  129.  15 Generation of Animals                                     T
  130.  15 Generation of Animals: Footnotes                          
  131.  15 Heavens                                                   T
  132.  15 History of Animals                                        T
  133.  15 History of Animals: Footnotes                             
  134.  15 Interpretation                                            T
  135.  15 Longevity and Shortness of Life                           T
  136.  15 Memory and Reminiscence                                   T
  137.  15 Metaphysics                                               T
  138.  15 Meteorology                                               T
  139.  15 Motion of Animals                                         T
  140.  15 Motion of Animals: Footnotes                              
  141.  15 Nicomachean Ethics                                        T
  142.  15 Parts of Animals                                          T
  143.  15 Physics                                                   T
  144.  15 Poetics                                                   T
  145.  15 Politics                                                  T
  146.  15 Politics: Footnotes                                       
  147.  15 Posterior Analytics                                       T
  148.  15 Prior Analytics                                           T
  149.  15 Prophesying by Dreams                                     T
  150.  15 Rhetoric                                                  T
  151.  15 Sense and the Sensible                                    T
  152.  15 Sleep and Sleeplessness                                   T
  153.  15 Sophistical Refutations                                   T
  154.  15 Soul                                                      T
  155.  15 Topics                                                    T
  156.  15 Youth and Old Age On Life and Death On Breathing          T
  157.  16 Dover Beach                                               T
  158.  17 The City of God                                           T
  159.  17 Confessions                                               T
  160.  18 Meditations                                               T
  161.  19 Emma                                                      T
  162.  19 Mansfield Park                                            T
  163.  19 Northanger Abbey                                          T
  164.  19 Persuasion                                                T
  165.  19 Pride and Prejudice                                       T
  166.  19 Sense and Sensibility                                     T
  167.  20 Essays                                                    T
  168.  20 New Atlantis                                              T
  169.  21 Peter Pan                                                 T
  170.  22 The Law                                                   T
  171.  22 The Law: Footnotes                                        
  172.  22 That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen             T
  173.  23 The Marvelous Land of Oz                                  T
  174.  23 Wizard of Oz                                              T
  175.  24 Oroonoko or the Royal Slave                               T
  176.  24 Rover                                                     T
  177.  24 Willing Mistriss                                          T
  178.  25 Principles of Human Knowledge                             T
  179.  26 And Did Those Feet                                        T
  180.  26 Auguries of Innocence                                     T
  181.  26 Divine Image                                              T
  182.  26 Holy Thursday                                             T
  183.  26 London                                                    T
  184.  26 Poison Tree                                               T
  185.  26 Song: How Sweet I Roamed from Field to Field              T
  186.  26 Tyger                                                     T
  187.  27 Decameron                                                 T
  188.  28 Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D.                              T
  189.  30 Contemplations                                            T
  190.  30 Of the Four Ages of Man                                   T
  191.  30 Love-Letter to Her Husband                                T
  192.  30 Meditations Divine and Moral                              T
  193.  30 To My Dear And Loving Husband                             T
  194.  29 Bradford's and Winslow's Journal                          T
  195.  29 Divers Recollection of Puritan Strictness                 T
  196.  29 Sundry Reasons for the Removal from Leyden                T
  197.  29 Providence and the Pilgrim                                T
  198.  34 How Do I Love Thee?                                       T
  199.  34 If Thou Must Love Me                                      T
  200.  31 Jane Eyre                                                 T
  201.  32 Wuthering Heights                                         T
  202.  33 Soldier                                                   T
  203.  35 Dramatic Lyrics                                           T
  204.  35 Home-Thoughts From Abroad                                 T
  205.  35 My Last Duchess                                           T
  206.  35 Porphyria's Lover                                         T
  207.  35 Prospice                                                  T
  208.  35 Rabbi Ben Ezra                                            T
  209.  35 The Ring and the Book                                     T
  210.  35 Song (From Pippa Passes)                                  T
  211.  36 African Chief                                             T
  212.  36 After a Tempest                                           T
  213.  36 Aged Pastor                                               T
  214.  36 Among the Trees                                           T
  215.  36 Antiquity of Freedom                                      T
  216.  36 Arctic Lover                                              T
  217.  36 Ages                                                      T
  218.  36 Autumn Woods                                              T
  219.  36 Battle-Field                                              T
  220.  36 Bee in the Tar-Barrel                                     T
  221.  36 Blessed Are They That Mourn                               T
  222.  36 Burial-Place                                              T
  223.  36 Broken and a Contrite Heart                               T
  224.  36 Burial of Love                                            T
  225.  36 Captive Loosed                                            T
  226.  36 Child's Funeral                                           T
  227.  36 Catterskill Falls                                         T
  228.  36 Centennial Hymn                                           T
  229.  36 Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus                          T
  230.  36 Cloud on the Way                                          T
  231.  36 Constellations                                            T
  232.  36 Consumption                                               T
  233.  36 Conqueror's Grave                                         T
  234.  36 Christmas in 1875                                         T
  235.  36 Crowded Street                                            T
  236.  36 Damsel of Peru                                            T
  237.  36 Day-Dream                                                 T
  238.  36 Death of Channing                                         T
  239.  36 Death of the Flowers                                      T
  240.  36 Death of Lincoln                                          T
  241.  36 Dante                                                     T
  242.  36 Dream                                                     T
  243.  36 Death of Slavery                                          T
  244.  36 Disinterred Warrior                                       T
  245.  36 Earth                                                     T
  246.  36 Earth's Children Cleave to Earth                          T
  247.  36 Embargo                                                   T
  248.  36 Earth Is Full of Thy Riches                               T
  249.  36 Evening Revery                                            T
  250.  36 Evening Wind                                              T
  251.  36 Except the Lord Build the House                           T
  252.  36 Farewell                                                  T
  253.  36 Firmament                                                 T
  254.  36 Freeman's Hymn                                            T
  255.  36 Fountain                                                  T
  256.  36 For the Fourth of July                                    T
  257.  36 Forest Hymn                                               T
  258.  36 Greek Boy                                                 T
  259.  36 Genius of Columbia                                        T
  260.  36 Gladness of Nature                                        T
  261.  36 Green Mountain Boys                                       T
  262.  36 Greek Partisan                                            T
  263.  36 Green River                                               T
  264.  36 Hymn to Death                                             T
  265.  36 His Mother Kept All These Sayings in Her Heart            T
  266.  36 His Tender Mercies Are Over All His Works                 T
  267.  36 Hymn of the Sea                                           T
  268.  36 How Amiable Are Thy Tabernacles!                          T
  269.  36 Hurricane                                                 T
  270.  36 Hunter's Serenade                                         T
  271.  36 Hymn to the North Star                                    T
  272.  36 Hunter of the Prairies                                    T
  273.  36 Hunter's Vision                                           T
  274.  36 Hymn of the Waldenses                                     T
  275.  36 Hymn of the City                                          T
  276.  36 I Broke the Spell That Held Me Long                       T
  277.  36 Invitation to the Country                                 T
  278.  36 Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood                    T
  279.  36 I Cannot Forget with What Fervid Devotion                 T
  280.  36 Indian Girl's Lament                                      T
  281.  36 I Will Send Them Prophets and Apostles                    T
  282.  36 In Memoriam                                               T
  283.  36 Indian at the Burial-Place of His Fathers                 T
  284.  36 Innocent Child and Snow-White Flower                      T
  285.  36 Indian Story                                              T
  286.  36 Italy                                                     T
  287.  36 In Memory of William Leggett                              T
  288.  36 Journey of Life                                           T
  289.  36 June                                                      T
  290.  36 Knight's Epitaph                                          T
  291.  36 Land of Dreams                                            T
  292.  36 Legend of the Delawares                                   T
  293.  36 Life                                                      T
  294.  36 Lord Giveth Wisdom                                        T
  295.  36 Life That Is                                              T
  296.  36 Living Lost                                               T
  297.  36 May Sun Sheds an Amber Light                              T
  298.  36 Midsummer                                                 T
  299.  36 Meditation on Rhode Island Coal                           T
  300.  36 Mother's Hymn                                             T
  301.  36 Maiden's Sorrow                                           T
  302.  36 Monument Mountain                                         T
  303.  36 March                                                     T
  304.  36 Massacre at Scio                                          T
  305.  36 Mutation                                                  T
  306.  36 Murdered Traveller                                        T
  307.  36 My Autumn Walk                                            T
  308.  36 May Evening                                               T
  309.  36 New and the Old                                           T
  310.  36 Night Journey of a River                                  T
  311.  36 New Moon                                                  T
  312.  36 Noon                                                      T
  313.  36 No Man Knoweth His Sepulchre                              T
  314.  36 November                                                  T
  315.  36 Not Yet                                                   T
  316.  36 October                                                   T
  317.  36 Ode to Connecticut River                                  T
  318.  36 Ode for an Agricultural Celebration                       T
  319.  36 Oh Fairest of the Rural Maids                             T
  320.  36 Old Man's Counsel                                         T
  321.  36 Old Man's Funeral                                         T
  322.  36 Oh Mother of a Mighty Race                                T
  323.  36 Order of Nature                                           T
  324.  36 Other Sheep I Have Which Are Not of This Fold             T
  325.  36 October 1866                                              T
  326.  36 Our Country's Call                                        T
  327.  36 Painted Cup                                               T
  328.  36 Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land                      T
  329.  36 Presentiment                                              T
  330.  36 Path                                                      T
  331.  36 Planting of the Apple-Tree                                T
  332.  36 Poet                                                      T
  333.  36 Prairies                                                  T
  334.  36 Past                                                      T
  335.  36 Pastor's Return                                           T
  336.  36 Rats and Mice                                             T
  337.  36 Rain-Dream                                                T
  338.  36 Return of the Birds                                       T
  339.  36 Rivulet                                                   T
  340.  36 Robert of Lincoln                                         T
  341.  36 Romero                                                    T
  342.  36 Receive Thy Sight                                         T
  343.  36 Return of Youth                                           T
  344.  36 Rizpah                                                    T
  345.  36 Song of the Stars                                         T
  346.  36 Star of Bethlehem                                         T
  347.  36 Scene on the Banks of the Hudson                          T
  348.  36 Summer Wind                                               T
  349.  36 Seventy-Six                                               T
  350.  36 Song for New-Year's Eve                                   T
  351.  36 Song of the Greek Amazon                                  T
  352.  36 Song ("These prairies glow with flowers")                 T
  353.  36 Sick-Bed                                                  T
  354.  36 Strange Lady                                              T
  355.  36 Song of Marion's Men                                      T
  356.  36 Snow-Shower                                               T
  357.  36 Song ("Dost thou idly ask to hear")                       T
  358.  36 Song of Pitcairn's Island                                 T
  359.  36 Spring in Town                                            T
  360.  36 Song ("Soon as the glazed and gleaming snow")             T
  361.  36 Stream of Life                                            T
  362.  36 Summer Ramble                                             T
  363.  36 Song of the Sower                                         T
  364.  36 To the Apennines                                          T
  365.  36 Tree-Burial                                               T
  366.  36 To a Cloud                                                T
  367.  36 To Death                                                  T
  368.  36 Truth Shall Make You Free                                 T
  369.  36 To the Fringed Gentian                                    T
  370.  36 Two Graves                                                T
  371.  36 Thou Hast Put All Things under His Feet                   T
  372.  36 Tides                                                     T
  373.  36 This Do in Remembrance of Me                              T
  374.  36 Two Travellers                                            T
  375.  36 To a Mosquito                                             T
  376.  36 Thanatopsis (Early Version)                               T
  377.  36 Thy Word Is Truth                                         T
  378.  36 To Cole the Painter Departing for Europe                  T
  379.  36 To the River Arve                                         T
  380.  36 Thou God Seest Me                                         T
  381.  36 Thanatopsis                                               T
  382.  36 Third of November 1861                                    T
  383.  36 To a Waterfowl                                            T
  384.  36 Twenty-Seventh of March                                   T
  385.  36 Unknown Way                                               T
  386.  36 Upon the Mountain's Distant Head                          T
  387.  36 Voice of Autumn                                           T
  388.  36 Walk at Sunset                                            T
  389.  36 White-Footed Deer                                         T
  390.  36 Whatsoever He Sayeth Unto You Do It                       T
  391.  36 Winds                                                     T
  392.  36 Waning Moon                                               T
  393.  36 Winter Piece                                              T
  394.  36 Wind and Stream                                           T
  395.  36 William Tell                                              T
  396.  36 West Wind                                                 T
  397.  36 Yellow Violet                                             T
  398.  37 Age of Chivalry                                           T
  399.  37 Age of Fable                                              T
  400.  37 Legends of Charlemagne                                    T
  401.  39 Pilgrim's Progress                                        T
  402.  43 The Beasts of Tarzan                                      T
  403.  43 At the Earth's Core                                       T
  404.  43 The Gods of Mars                                          T
  405.  43 Jungle Tales of Tarzan                                    T
  406.  43 The Lost Continent                                        T
  407.  43 The Monstermen                                            T
  408.  43 The Return of Tarzan                                      T
  409.  43 The Son of Tarzan                                         T
  410.  43 Tarzan of the Apes                                        T
  411.  43 Thuvia, Maid of Mars                                      T
  412.  43 Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar                             T
  413.  43 The Warlord of Mars                                       T
  414.  41 A Little Princess                                         T
  415.  41 Sara Crewe                                                T
  416.  41 The Secret Garden                                         T
  417.  40 Reflections on the Revolution in France                   T
  418.  42 Red Red Rose                                              T
  419.  42 Sweet Afton                                               T
  420.  44 Tales from the Arabian Nights                             T
  421.  45 Way of All Flesh                                          T
  422.  47 Don Juan                                                  T
  423.  47 On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year               T
  424.  47 She Walks In Beauty                                       T
  425.  47 So We'll Go No More A-Roving                              T
  426.  46 First Survey in the Dismal Swamp                          T
  427.  46 Profitable Day                                            T
  428.  46 A Visit to Colonel Spotswood                              T
  429.  48 The City of the Sun                                       T
  430.  50 Acrostic: "Are you deaf Father William?"                  T
  431.  50 Acrostic: Little maidens                                  T
  432.  50 After Three Days                                          T
  433.  50 Acrostic: Around my lonely hearth to-night                T
  434.  50 Alice in Wonderland                                       T
  435.  50 Acrostic: Maidens! if you love the tale                   T
  436.  50 Acrostic: Love-lighted eyes that will not start           T
  437.  50 As It Fell Upon a Day                                     T
  438.  50 Atalanta in Camden-Town                                   T
  439.  50 Beatrice                                                  T
  440.  50 Brother and Sister                                        T
  441.  50 Coronach                                                  T
  442.  50 Double Acrostic: Two little girls                         T
  443.  50 Double Acrostic: I sing a place                           T
  444.  50 Echoes                                                    T
  445.  50 Facts                                                     T
  446.  50 Faces in the Fire                                         T
  447.  50 Fame's Penny-Trumpet                                      T
  448.  50 Four Riddles                                              T
  449.  50 Game of Fives                                             T
  450.  50 Those Horrid Hurdy-Gurdies!                               T
  451.  50 Horrors                                                   T
  452.  50 Hiawatha's Photographing                                  T
  453.  50 Hunting of the Snark                                      T
  454.  50 Lyceum                                                    T
  455.  50 Lang Coortin'                                             T
  456.  50 Limerick                                                  T
  457.  50 Lady of the Ladle                                         T
  458.  50 Lesson in Latin                                           T
  459.  50 Love among the Roses                                      T
  460.  50 Lays of Mystery Imagination and Humour                    T
  461.  50 Majesty of Justice                                        T
  462.  50 To M. A. B.                                               T
  463.  50 To my Child-Friend                                        T
  464.  50 Acrostic: Maiden though thy heart may quail               T
  465.  50 Melodies                                                  T
  466.  50 My Fancy                                                  T
  467.  50 Maggie's Visit to Oxford                                  T
  468.  50 Maggie B__                                                T
  469.  50 Melancholetta                                             T
  470.  50 Mock Turtle's Song (Early version)                        T
  471.  50 Madrigal                                                  T
  472.  50 Misunderstandings                                         T
  473.  50 My Fairy                                                  T
  474.  50 Nursery Darling                                           T
  475.  50 Ode to Damon                                              T
  476.  50 Only a Woman's Hair                                       T
  477.  50 Path of Roses                                             T
  478.  50 Puck Lost and Found                                       T
  479.  50 Poeta Fit non Nascitur                                    T
  480.  50 Puzzle                                                    T
  481.  50 Phantasmagoria                                            T
  482.  50 Punctuality                                               T
  483.  50 Photography Extraordinary                                 T
  484.  50 Puzzles from Wonderland                                   T
  485.  50 Rhyme? and Reason?                                        T
  486.  50 Riddle                                                    T
  487.  50 Rules and Regulations                                     T
  488.  50 Sailor's Wife                                             T
  489.  50 Sea Dirge                                                 T
  490.  50 Size and Tears                                            T
  491.  50 Solitude                                                  T
  492.  50 Stolen Waters                                             T
  493.  50 Three Sunsets                                             T
  494.  50 Sylvie and Bruno                                          T
  495.  50 Sylvie and Bruno Concluded                                T
  496.  50 Tangled Tale                                              T
  497.  50 Two Brothers                                              T
  498.  50 Three Children                                            T
  499.  50 Two Poems to Rachel Daniel                                T
  500.  50 Through the Looking-Glass                                 T
  501.  50 Three Little Maids                                        T
  502.  50 Theme with Variations                                     T
  503.  50 To three puzzled little Girls                             T
  504.  50 Two Acrostics                                             T
  505.  50 Two Thieves                                               T
  506.  50 Three Voices                                              T
  507.  50 Valentine                                                 T
  508.  50 Valley of the Shadow of Death                             T
  509.  50 Willow-Tree                                               T
  510.  50 Ye Carpette Knyghte                                       T
  511.  49 The Hero as Poet                                          T
  512.  52 Odi et Amo                                                T
  513.  51 Alexander's Bridge                                        T
  514.  51 My Antonia                                                T
  515.  51 O Pioneers!                                               T
  516.  51 The Song of the Lark                                      T
  517.  53 The Comical History of Rincon and Cortado                 T
  518.  53 Dialogue between Scipio and Berganza                      T
  519.  53 The Generous Lover                                        T
  520.  53 The Jealous Extremaduran                                  T
  521.  53 The Little Gypsy                                          T
  522.  53 Don Quixote                                               T
  523.  54 House of Fame                                             T
  524.  54 Legend of Good Women                                      T
  525.  54 The Minor Poems                                           T
  526.  54 Troilus and Criseyde                                      T
  527.  54 Canon's Yeoman's Prologue                                 T
  528.  54 Canon's Yeoman's Tale                                     T
  529.  54 Clerk's Prologue                                          T
  530.  54 Clerk's Tale                                              T
  531.  54 Cook's Prologue                                           T
  532.  54 Cook's Tale                                               T
  533.  54 Epilogue to the Merchant's Tale                           T
  534.  54 Epilogue to the Nun's Priest's Tale                       T
  535.  54 Franklin's Prologue                                       T
  536.  54 Franklin's Tale                                           T
  537.  54 Friar's Prologue                                          T
  538.  54 Friar's Tale                                              T
  539.  54 Introduction to the Lawyer's Prologue                     T
  540.  54 Knight's Tale                                             T
  541.  54 Lawyer's Prologue                                         T
  542.  54 Lawyer's Tale                                             T
  543.  54 Manciple's Prologue                                       T
  544.  54 Manciple's Tale                                           T
  545.  54 Merchant's Prologue                                       T
  546.  54 Merchant's Tale                                           T
  547.  54 Miller's Prologue                                         T
  548.  54 Miller's Tale                                             T
  549.  54 Monk's Prologue                                           T
  550.  54 Monk's Tale                                               T
  551.  54 Nun's Priest's Tale                                       T
  552.  54 Pardoner's Tale                                           T
  553.  54 Parson's Prologue                                         T
  554.  54 Parson's Tale                                             T
  555.  54 Physician's Tale                                          T
  556.  54 Prioress' Prologue                                        T
  557.  54 Prioress' Tale                                            T
  558.  54 Prologue                                                  T
  559.  54 Prologue of the Pardoner's Tale                           T
  560.  54 Prologue to Melibeus                                      T
  561.  54 Prologue to Sir Thopas                                    T
  562.  54 Prologue to the Nun's Priest's Tale                       T
  563.  54 Reeve's Prologue                                          T
  564.  54 Reeve's Tale                                              T
  565.  54 Sailor's Prologue                                         T
  566.  54 Sailor's Tale                                             T
  567.  54 Second Nun's Prologue                                     T
  568.  54 Second Nun's Tale                                         T
  569.  54 Sir Thopas                                                T
  570.  54 Squire's Prologue                                         T
  571.  54 Squire's Tale                                             T
  572.  54 Summoner's Prologue                                       T
  573.  54 Summoner's Tale                                           T
  574.  54 Tale of Melibeus                                          T
  575.  54 Here the Maker of this Book Takes his Leave               T
  576.  54 Wife of Bath's Prologue                                   T
  577.  54 Wife of Bath's Tale                                       T
  578.  54 Words of the Franklin                                     T
  579.  54 Words of the Host                                         T
  580.  55 The Innocence of Father Brown                             T
  581.  55 Orthodoxy                                                 T
  582.  56 Athenaise                                                 T
  583.  56 Awakening                                                 T
  584.  56 Azelie                                                    T
  585.  56 Beyond the Bayou                                          T
  586.  56 Caline                                                    T
  587.  56 Desiree's Baby                                            T
  588.  56 Kiss                                                      T
  589.  56 Lady of Bayou St John                                     T
  590.  56 La Belle Zoraide                                          T
  591.  56 Maid of Saint Philippe                                    T
  592.  56 Madame Celestin's Divorce                                 T
  593.  56 Miss McEnders                                             T
  594.  56 Mrs Mobry's Reason                                        T
  595.  56 Neg Creol                                                 T
  596.  56 Night in Acadie                                           T
  597.  56 No-Account Creole                                         T
  598.  56 No-Account Creole: Footnotes                              
  599.  56 Respectable Woman                                         T
  600.  56 Shameful Affair                                           T
  601.  56 Story of an Hour                                          T
  602.  56 Visit to Avoyelles                                        T
  603.  56 Wiser Than a God                                          T
  604.  56 Wiser Than a God: Footnotes                               
  605.  57 First Oration Against Catiline                            T
  606.  57 Second Oration Against Marcus Antonius                    T
  607.  57 Second Oration Against Catiline                           T
  608.  57 Third Oration Against Catiline                            T
  609.  57 Fourth Oration Against Catiline                           T
  610.  57 Ninth Oration Against Marcus Antonius                     T
  611.  57 Speech in Defence of Aulus Licinius Archias               T
  612.  57 Cato; or An Essay on Old Age                              T
  613.  57 Speech in Defence of Caius Rabirius Postumus              T
  614.  57 Speech in Behalf of King Deiotarus                        T
  615.  57 Laelius; or An Essay on Friendship                        T
  616.  57 Select Letters to Several Friends                         T
  617.  57 Last Oration Against Marcus Antonius                      T
  618.  57 First Oration Against Marcus Antonius                     T
  619.  57 Speech in Defence of the Proposed Manilian Law            T
  620.  57 Speech in Behalf of Marcus Claudius Marcellus             T
  621.  57 Offices                                                   T
  622.  57 Prosecution of Verres                                     T
  623.  57 Oration in Defence of Publius Sylla                       T
  624.  57 Speech in Defence of Quintus Ligarius                     T
  625.  57 Speech in Defence of Titus Annius Milo                    T
  626.  60 Pinocchio: The Adventures of a Puppet                     T
  627.  58 Christabel                                                T
  628.  58 Kubla Khan or A Vision in a Dream                         T
  629.  58 Rime of the Ancient Mariner                               T
  630.  59 Moonstone                                                 T
  631.  59 Woman in White                                            T
  632.  58 Shakespeare as Poet                                       T
  633.  58 The Specific Symptoms of Poetic Power                     T
  634.  58 Table Talk                                                T
  635.  61 The Discovery of Gold in California                       T
  636.  59 The Haunted Hotel                                         T
  637.  82 Abbey Grange                                              T
  638.  82 Beryl Coronet                                             T
  639.  82 Black Peter                                               T
  640.  82 Blanched Soldier                                          T
  641.  82 Blue Carbuncle                                            T
  642.  82 Boscombe Valley Mystery                                   T
  643.  82 Bruce-Partington Plans                                    T
  644.  82 Cardboard Box                                             T
  645.  82 Case of Identity                                          T
  646.  82 Charles Augustus Milverton                                T
  647.  82 Copper Beeches                                            T
  648.  82 Creeping Man                                              T
  649.  82 Crooked Man                                               T
  650.  82 Dancing Men                                               T
  651.  82 Devil's Foot                                              T
  652.  82 Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax                      T
  653.  82 Dying Detective                                           T
  654.  82 Empty House                                               T
  655.  82 Engineer's Thumb                                          T
  656.  82 Final Problem                                             T
  657.  82 Five Orange Pips                                          T
  658.  82 Gloria Scott                                              T
  659.  82 Golden Pince-Nez                                          T
  660.  82 Greek Interpreter                                         T
  661.  82 His Last Bow                                              T
  662.  82 Hound of the Baskervilles                                 T
  663.  82 Illustrious Client                                        T
  664.  82 Lion's Mane                                               T
  665.  82 Lost World                                                T
  666.  82 Man with the Twisted Lip                                  T
  667.  82 Mazarin Stone                                             T
  668.  82 Missing Three-Quarter                                     T
  669.  82 Musgrave Ritual                                           T
  670.  82 Naval Treaty                                              T
  671.  82 Noble Bachelor                                            T
  672.  82 Norwood Builder                                           T
  673.  82 Priory School                                             T
  674.  82 Problem of Thor Bridge                                    T
  675.  82 Red Circle                                                T
  676.  82 Red-Headed League                                         T
  677.  82 Reigate Puzzle                                            T
  678.  82 Resident Patient                                          T
  679.  82 Retired Colourman                                         T
  680.  82 Scandal in Bohemia                                        T
  681.  82 Second Stain                                              T
  682.  82 Shoscombe Old Place                                       T
  683.  82 Sign of Four                                              T
  684.  82 Silver Blaze                                              T
  685.  82 Six Napoleons                                             T
  686.  82 Solitary Cyclist                                          T
  687.  82 Speckled Band                                             T
  688.  82 Stock-Broker's Clerk                                      T
  689.  82 Study in Scarlet                                          T
  690.  82 Study in Scarlet: Footnotes                               
  691.  82 Sussex Vampire                                            T
  692.  82 Three Gables                                              T
  693.  82 Three Garridebs                                           T
  694.  82 Three Students                                            T
  695.  82 Valley of Fear                                            T
  696.  82 Veiled Lodger                                             T
  697.  82 Wisteria Lodge                                            T
  698.  82 Yellow Face                                               T
  699.  62 Analects                                                  T
  700.  62 Doctrine of the Mean                                      T
  701.  62 Great Learning                                            T
  702.  64 Heart of Darkness                                         T
  703.  64 Lord Jim                                                  T
  704.  64 Secret Sharer                                             T
  705.  63 Mourning Bride                                            T
  706.  63 Way of the World                                          T
  707.  65 The Last of the Mohicans                                  T
  708.  65 The Last of the Mohicans                                  T
  709.  65 The Pioneers                                              T
  710.  65 The Prairie                                               T
  711.  65 Deerslayer                                                T
  712.  65 Pathfinder                                                T
  713.  66 Blue Hotel                                                T
  714.  66 Black Riders and Other Lines                              T
  715.  66 Red Badge of Courage                                      T
  716.  66 War is Kind and Other Lines                               T
  717.  67 The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World                 T
  718. 114 Happy Farmer                                              T
  719.  68 Two Years Before the Mast                                 T
  720.  68 Two Years Before the Mast: Footnotes                      
  721.  69 Inferno                                                   T
  722.  69 Paradise                                                  T
  723.  69 Purgatory                                                 T
  724.  70 Descent of Man                                            T
  725.  70 Origin of Species                                         T
  726.  70 Voyage of the Beagle                                      T
  727.  71 Robinson Crusoe                                           T
  728.  72 First Olynthiac Oration                                   T
  729.  72 First Philippic                                           T
  730.  72 Second Olynthiac Oration                                  T
  731.  72 Second Philippic                                          T
  732.  72 Third Olynthiac Oration                                   T
  733.  72 Third Philippic                                           T
  734.  72 Fourth Philippic                                          T
  735.  72 Oration on the State of the Chersonesus                   T
  736.  72 Oration on the Classes                                    T
  737.  72 Oration on the Crown                                      T
  738.  72 Oration on the Letter                                     T
  739.  72 Oration on the Peace                                      T
  740.  72 Oration on the Regulation of the State                    T
  741.  72 Oration for the Liberty of the Rhodians                   T
  742.  72 Oration on the Treaty with Alexander                      T
  743.  73 On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth                    T
  744.  73 A Summary Survey                                          T
  745.  74 Discourse on the Method                                   T
  746.  74 Meditations on the First Philosophy                       T
  747.  75 The Battle of Life                                        T
  748.  75 A Christmas Carol                                         T
  749.  75 The Chimes                                                T
  750.  75 The Cricket on the Hearth                                 T
  751.  75 The Haunted Man                                           T
  752.  75 Pickwick Papers                                           T
  753.  75 Pickwick Papers: Footnotes                                
  754.  76 Poems                                                     T
  755.  76 Poems: Second Series                                      T
  756.  76 Poems: Third Series                                       T
  757.  76 Single Hound                                              T
  758.  75 David Copperfield                                         T
  759.  75 David Copperfield: Footnotes                              
  760.  75 Great Expectations                                        T
  761.  75 Hard Times                                                T
  762.  75 Oliver Twist                                              T
  763.  75 Tale of Two Cities                                        T
  764.  77 Death Be Not Proud                                        T
  765.  77 Ecstasy                                                   T
  766.  77 Song: Go and Catch a Falling Star                         T
  767.  77 Love's Usury                                              T
  768.  77 To His Mistress Going To Bed                              T
  769.  78 Brothers Karamazov                                        T
  770.  78 Crime and Punishment                                      T
  771.  79 My Bondage and My Freedom                                 T
  772.  79 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass               T
  773.  80 George Sand: Some Aspects of her Life and Writings        T
  774.  81 Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae               T
  775.  81 Vitae Summa Brevis Spem Nos Vetat Incohare Longam         T
  776.  82 The Poison Belt                                           T
  777.  82 Thought the Magic Door                                    T
  778.  83 Sister Carrie                                             T
  779.  84 Engines of Creation                                       T
  780.  85 All for Love                                              T
  781.  85 Song For St. Cecilia's Day                                T
  782.  86 Twenty Years After                                        T
  783.  86 Three Musketeers                                          T
  784.  86 Man in the Iron Mask                                      T
  785.  87 Character of David Brainerd                               T
  786.  87 Child of the Covenant                                     T
  787.  87 Concerning the Notion of Liberty and of Moral Agency      T
  788.  87 His Early and Rapturous Sense of Divine Things            T
  789.  87 Eternity of Hell Torments                                 T
  790.  87 That Material Existence is Merely Ideal                   T
  791.  87 Of Sarah Pierrepont Who Afterward Became His Wife         T
  792.  87 Secondary and Inferior Kind of Beauty                     T
  793.  87 Self-Trained Berkeleian                                   T
  794.  87 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God                      T
  795.  87 That the Devil can Cite Scripture for His Purpose         T
  796.  87 Why Saints in Glory Will Rejoice                          T
  797.  88 Middlemarch                                               T
  798.  88 Silas Marner                                              T
  799.  89 Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock                           T
  800.  90 Brahma                                                    T
  801.  90 Concord Hymn                                              T
  802.  90 Essays: First Series                                      T
  803.  90 Essays: Second Series                                     T
  804.  90 Representative Men                                        T
  805.  91 Discourses                                                T
  806.  92 Praise of Folly                                           T
  807.  93 Alcestis                                                  T
  808.  93 Andromache                                                T
  809.  93 Bacchae                                                   T
  810.  93 Bacchae: Footnotes                                        
  811.  93 Cyclops                                                   T
  812.  93 Electra (Euripides)                                       T
  813.  93 Hecuba                                                    T
  814.  93 Helen                                                     T
  815.  93 Heracleidae                                               T
  816.  93 Heracles Mad                                              T
  817.  93 Hippolytus                                                T
  818.  93 Ion (Euripides)                                           T
  819.  93 Iphigenia Among the Tauri                                 T
  820.  93 Iphigenia at Aulis                                        T
  821.  93 Medea                                                     T
  822.  93 Orestes                                                   T
  823.  93 Phoenician Women                                          T
  824.  93 Rhesus                                                    T
  825.  93 Suppliants (Euripides)                                    T
  826.  93 Trojan Women                                              T
  827.  94 Tom Jones                                                 T
  828.  95 Book of Kings (Epic of Kings)                             T
  829.  96 Madame Bovary                                             T
  830.  97 House by the Side of the Road                             T
  831.  99 Autobiography                                             T
  832.  99 Dialogue Between Franklin and the Gout                    T
  833.  99 The Positive and Negative States of Electricity           T
  834.  99 Electrical Kite                                           T
  835.  99 Ephemera: An Emblem of Human Life                         T
  836.  99 Franklin Before the House of Commons                      T
  837.  99 His Invention of the Lightning Rod                        T
  838.  99 Lightning Usually Passes from Earth to the Cloud          T
  839.  99 Rules for Reducing a Great Empire to a Small One          T
  840.  99 Selections from Franklin's Miscellaneous Letters          T
  841.  99 Theory of Light and Heat                                  T
  842.  99 Way to Wealth                                             T
  843.  99 Whistle                                                   T
  844.  98 Penguin Island                                            T
  845. 100 The Damnation of Theoron Ware                             T
  846. 101 Lord Dunmore's Petition to the Legislature                T
  847. 101 Miscellaneous Poems                                       T
  848. 101 Prologue to a Comedy                                      T
  849. 102 Interpretation of Dreams                                  T
  850. 103 After Apple-Picking                                       T
  851. 103 Birches                                                   T
  852. 103 Boy's Will                                                T
  853. 103 Mending Wall                                              T
  854. 103 Mountain Interval                                         T
  855. 103 North of Boston                                           T
  856. 103 Road Not Taken                                            T
  857. 104 On the Natural Faculties                                  T
  858. 187 Revolt of the Masses                                      T
  859. 105 The Beggar's Opera                                        T
  860. 122 Sun Tzu, The Art of War                                   T
  861. 106 Faust                                                     T
  862. 107 Wind in the Willows                                       T
  863. 108 Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard                    T
  864. 108 On a Favourite Cat Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes        T
  865. 109 Twelve Apostles                                           T
  866. 109 Two Kings' Children                                       T
  867. 109 Two Travelers                                             T
  868. 109 Three Apprentices                                         T
  869. 109 Three Little Birds                                        T
  870. 109 Three Children of Fortune                                 T
  871. 109 Three Feathers                                            T
  872. 109 Three Languages                                           T
  873. 109 Three Little Men in the Wood                              T
  874. 109 Three Black Princesses                                    T
  875. 109 Three Brothers                                            T
  876. 109 Three Snake-Leaves                                        T
  877. 109 Three Green Twigs                                         T
  878. 109 Three Army Surgeons                                       T
  879. 109 Four Skilful Brothers                                     T
  880. 109 Six Soldiers of Fortune                                   T
  881. 109 Six Servants                                              T
  882. 109 Six Swans                                                 T
  883. 109 Seven Ravens                                              T
  884. 109 Seven Swabians                                            T
  885. 109 Aged Mother                                               T
  886. 109 Brides on Trial                                           T
  887. 109 Bearskin                                                  T
  888. 109 Bright Sun Brings It to Light                             T
  889. 109 Bittern and the Hoopoe                                    T
  890. 109 Blue Light                                                T
  891. 109 Beam                                                      T
  892. 109 Boots of Buffalo Leather                                  T
  893. 109 Bremen Town Musicians                                     T
  894. 109 Brother and Sister                                        T
  895. 109 Brother Frolick                                           T
  896. 109 Cat and the Mouse in Partnership                          T
  897. 109 Clever Else                                               T
  898. 109 Cinderella                                                T
  899. 109 Clever Gretel                                             T
  900. 109 Crumbs on the Table                                       T
  901. 109 Crystal Ball                                              T
  902. 109 Cunning Little Tailor                                     T
  903. 109 Doctor Knowall                                            T
  904. 109 Death of the Hen                                          T
  905. 109 Devil and His Grandmother                                 T
  906. 109 Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders                                 T
  907. 109 Donkey                                                    T
  908. 109 Devil's Sooty Brother                                     T
  909. 109 Domestic Servants                                         T
  910. 109 Donkey Cabbages                                           T
  911. 109 Dog and the Sparrow                                       T
  912. 109 Drummer                                                   T
  913. 109 Death's Messengers                                        T
  914. 109 Duration of Life                                          T
  915. 109 Devil's Three Gold Hairs                                  T
  916. 109 Ear of Corn                                               T
  917. 109 Elf                                                       T
  918. 109 Elves                                                     T
  919. 109 Eve's Various Children                                    T
  920. 109 Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie                       T
  921. 109 Fox and the Cat                                           T
  922. 109 Foundling Bird                                            T
  923. 109 Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful       T
  924. 109 Fitcher's Bird                                            T
  925. 109 Faithful John                                             T
  926. 109 Fred and Kate                                             T
  927. 109 Flail from Heaven                                         T
  928. 109 Fox and the Geese                                         T
  929. 109 Frog Prince                                               T
  930. 109 Fisherman and His Wife                                    T
  931. 109 Fox and the Horse                                         T
  932. 109 Gallant Tailor                                            T
  933. 109 Golden Bird                                               T
  934. 109 Gold Children                                             T
  935. 109 God's Food                                                T
  936. 109 Goose-Girl at the Well                                    T
  937. 109 Godfather Death                                           T
  938. 109 Golden Goose                                              T
  939. 109 Giant and the Tailor                                      T
  940. 109 Glass Coffin                                              T
  941. 109 Gambling Hansel                                           T
  942. 109 Good Bargain                                              T
  943. 109 Golden Key                                                T
  944. 109 Griffin                                                   T
  945. 109 Goose-Girl                                                T
  946. 109 Going Traveling                                           T
  947. 109 Grave Mound                                               T
  948. 109 Gossip Wolf and the Fox                                   T
  949. 109 Hansel and Gretel                                         T
  950. 109 Heavenly Wedding                                          T
  951. 109 Hans in Luck                                              T
  952. 109 Hans Married                                              T
  953. 109 Hans the Hedgehog                                         T
  954. 109 How Mrs. Fox Married Again                                T
  955. 109 Hare and the Hedgehog                                     T
  956. 109 Hut in the Forest                                         T
  957. 109 Hazel Branch                                              T
  958. 109 Iron Stove                                                T
  959. 109 Iron John                                                 T
  960. 109 Jew Among Thorns                                          T
  961. 109 Jorinda and Joringel                                      T
  962. 109 Juniper Tree                                              T
  963. 109 King's Son Who Feared Nothing                             T
  964. 109 King Thrushbeard                                          T
  965. 109 King of the Golden Mountain                               T
  966. 109 Knapsack the Hat and the Horn                             T
  967. 109 Knoist and His Three Sons                                 T
  968. 109 Lambkin and the Little Fish                               T
  969. 109 Lean Lisa                                                 T
  970. 109 Little Folks' Presents                                    T
  971. 109 Lazy Harry                                                T
  972. 109 Little Farmer                                             T
  973. 109 Lord's Animals and the Devil's                            T
  974. 109 Lazy Spinner                                              T
  975. 109 Little Red Riding Hood                                    T
  976. 109 Maid Maleen                                               T
  977. 109 Maid of Brakel                                            T
  978. 109 Maiden Without Hands                                      T
  979. 109 Master-Thief                                              T
  980. 109 Moon                                                      T
  981. 109 Mouse the Bird and the Sausage                            T
  982. 109 Mr. Korbes                                                T
  983. 109 Master Pfriem                                             T
  984. 109 Mother Hulda                                              T
  985. 109 Nail                                                      T
  986. 109 Nixie of the Mill-Pond                                    T
  987. 109 Old Beggar-Woman                                          T
  988. 109 Odds and Ends                                             T
  989. 109 Old Grandfather's Corner                                  T
  990. 109 Old Hildebrand                                            T
  991. 109 Old Woman in the Wood                                     T
  992. 109 Old Man Made Young Again                                  T
  993. 109 One-Eye Two-Eyes and Three-Eyes                           T
  994. 109 Old Rinkrank                                              T
  995. 109 Old Sultan                                                T
  996. 109 Old Witch                                                 T
  997. 109 Our Lady's Child                                          T
  998. 109 Our Lady's Little Glass                                   T
  999. 109 Owl                                                       T
  1000. 109 Poor Boy in the Grave                                     T
  1001. 109 Peasant in Heaven                                         T
  1002. 109 Prudent Hans                                              T
  1003. 109 Pink                                                      T
  1004. 109 Poor Man and the Rich Man                                 T
  1005. 109 Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat                             T
  1006. 109 Princess in Disguise                                      T
  1007. 109 Peasant's Wise Daughter                                   T
  1008. 109 Peasant and the Devil                                     T
  1009. 109 Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven                       T
  1010. 109 Queen Bee                                                 T
  1011. 109 Rapunzel                                                  T
  1012. 109 Rabbit's Bride                                            T
  1013. 109 Riddle                                                    T
  1014. 109 Riddling Tale                                             T
  1015. 109 Rogue and His Master                                      T
  1016. 109 Robber Bridegroom                                         T
  1017. 109 Rose                                                      T
  1018. 109 Rumpelstiltskin                                           T
  1019. 109 Raven                                                     T
  1020. 109 Stolen Pennies                                            T
  1021. 109 Sparrow and His Four Children                             T
  1022. 109 Star Money                                                T
  1023. 109 Shepherd Boy                                              T
  1024. 109 Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces                          T
  1025. 109 Sea-Hare                                                  T
  1026. 109 Singing Soaring Lark                                      T
  1027. 109 Sharing Joy and Sorrow                                    T
  1028. 109 Singing Bone                                              T
  1029. 109 St. Joseph in the Forest                                  T
  1030. 109 Skilful Huntsman                                          T
  1031. 109 Sleeping Beauty                                           T
  1032. 109 Simeli Mountain                                           T
  1033. 109 Snow-White and Rose-Red                                   T
  1034. 109 Sole                                                      T
  1035. 109 Spider and the Flea                                       T
  1036. 109 Spindle the Shuttle and the Needle                        T
  1037. 109 Sweetheart Roland                                         T
  1038. 109 Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs                           T
  1039. 109 Straw the Coal and the Bean                               T
  1040. 109 Shroud                                                    T
  1041. 109 Strong Hans                                               T
  1042. 109 Sweet Porridge                                            T
  1043. 109 Spirit in the Bottle                                      T
  1044. 109 Story of Schlauraffen Land                                T
  1045. 109 Table the Ass and the Stick                               T
  1046. 109 Twelve Brothers                                           T
  1047. 109 Tales of Snakes                                           T
  1048. 109 Three Spinners                                            T
  1049. 109 Tailor in Heaven                                          T
  1050. 109 Twelve Huntsmen                                           T
  1051. 109 Tom Thumb                                                 T
  1052. 109 True Bride                                                T
  1053. 109 Three Sluggards                                           T
  1054. 109 Tom Thumb's Travels                                       T
  1055. 109 Turnip                                                    T
  1056. 109 Twelve Idle Servants                                      T
  1057. 109 Twin Brothers                                             T
  1058. 109 Ungrateful Son                                            T
  1059. 109 Vagabonds                                                 T
  1060. 109 Water of Life                                             T
  1061. 109 White Bride and the Black Bride                           T
  1062. 109 Wilful Child                                              T
  1063. 109 Wolf and the Fox                                          T
  1064. 109 White Snake                                               T
  1065. 109 Willow-Wren                                               T
  1066. 109 Wolf and the Seven Little Kids                            T
  1067. 109 Wolf and the Man                                          T
  1068. 109 Wonderful Glass                                           T
  1069. 109 Wonderful Musician                                        T
  1070. 109 Wise Folks                                                T
  1071. 109 Water Sprite                                              T
  1072. 109 Wise Servant                                              T
  1073. 109 Willow-Wren and the Bear                                  T
  1074. 109 Young Giant                                               T
  1075. 109 Youth Who Could Not Shiver and Shake                      T
  1076. 110 King Solomon's Mines                                      T
  1077. 110 She                                                       T
  1078. 111 Far From the Madding Crowd                                T
  1079. 111 Far From the Madding Crowd: Footnotes                     
  1080. 111 Jude the Obscure                                          T
  1081. 111 Man He Killed                                             T
  1082. 111 Mayor of Casterbridge                                     T
  1083. 111 A Pair of Blue Eyes                                       T
  1084. 111 Return of the Native                                      T
  1085. 111 Ruined Maid                                               T
  1086. 111 Tess of the D'Urbervilles                                 T
  1087. 112 Alice Doane's Appeal                                      T
  1088. 112 Ambitious Guest                                           T
  1089. 112 Artist of the Beautiful                                   T
  1090. 112 Birthmark                                                 T
  1091. 112 Celestial Railroad                                        T
  1092. 112 Doctor Heidegger's Experiment                             T
  1093. 112 Earth's Holocaust                                         T
  1094. 112 Egotism or The Bosom Serpent                              T
  1095. 112 Ethan Brand                                               T
  1096. 112 Feathertop: A Moralized Legend                            T
  1097. 112 Great Stone Face                                          T
  1098. 112 Haunted Mind                                              T
  1099. 112 Hollow of the Three Hills                                 T
  1100. 112 House of the Seven Gables                                 T
  1101. 112 Lady Eleanore's Mantle                                    T
  1102. 112 Maypole of Merry Mount                                    T
  1103. 112 Minister's Black Veil                                     T
  1104. 112 Mr Higginbotham's Catastrophe                             T
  1105. 112 My Kinsman Major Molineux                                 T
  1106. 112 Old Esther Dudley                                         T
  1107. 112 Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure                              T
  1108. 112 Prophetic Pictures                                        T
  1109. 112 Rappaccini's Daughter                                     T
  1110. 112 Scarlet Letter                                            T
  1111. 112 Snow-Image: A Childish Miracle                            T
  1112. 112 Wedding Knell                                             T
  1113. 112 Young Goodman Brown                                       T
  1114. 113 from Characters of Shakespeare's Plays                    T
  1115. 113 Shakespeare's Contemporaries                              T
  1116. 113 Shakespeare's Genius                                      T
  1117. 115 Homes of England                                          T
  1118. 117 The Gift of the Magi                                      T
  1119. 116 Invictus                                                  T
  1120. 118 History of Herodotus                                      T
  1121. 119 To the Virgins To Make Much of Time                       T
  1122. 119 Upon Julia's Clothes                                      T
  1123. 120 Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica                       T
  1124. 121 On Airs Waters and Places                                 T
  1125. 121 On Ancient Medicine                                       T
  1126. 121 Aphorisms                                                 T
  1127. 121 On the Articulations                                      T
  1128. 121 On the Articulations: Footnotes                           
  1129. 121 Book of Prognostics                                       T
  1130. 121 Of the Epidemics                                          T
  1131. 121 On Fistulae                                               T
  1132. 121 On Fractures                                              T
  1133. 121 On Hemorrhoids                                            T
  1134. 121 On Injuries of the Head                                   T
  1135. 121 Instruments of Reduction                                  T
  1136. 121 Instruments of Reduction: Footnotes                       
  1137. 121 Law                                                       T
  1138. 121 Oath                                                      T
  1139. 121 On Regimen in Acute Diseases                              T
  1140. 121 On the Sacred Disease                                     T
  1141. 121 On the Surgery                                            T
  1142. 121 On Ulcers                                                 T
  1143. 123 Leviathan                                                 T
  1144. 124 Iliad                                                     T
  1145. 124 Odyssey                                                   T
  1146. 125 Loveliest of Trees The Cherry Now                         T
  1147. 125 Oh When I was in Love with You                            T
  1148. 125 To an Athlete Dying Young                                 T
  1149. 125 When I Was One-and-Twenty                                 T
  1150. 125 With Rue My Heart is Laden                                T
  1151. 126 Message to Garcia                                         T
  1152. 127 Les Miserables                                            T
  1153. 129 His Battles O'er Again                                    T
  1154. 129 On Life                                                   T
  1155. 129 Putnam and the Wolf                                       T
  1156. 128 Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding                    T
  1157. 130 Abou Ben Adhem                                            T
  1158. 130 Jenny Kiss'd Me                                           T
  1159. 131 Doll's House                                              T
  1160. 131 Hedda Gabler                                              T
  1161. 131 Peer Gynt                                                 T
  1162. 132 Alhambra                                                  T
  1163. 132 Angler                                                    T
  1164. 132 Art of Book-Making                                        T
  1165. 132 Author's Account of Himself                               T
  1166. 132 Boar's Head Tavern Eastcheap                              T
  1167. 132 Broken Heart                                              T
  1168. 132 Christmas                                                 T
  1169. 132 Christmas Day                                             T
  1170. 132 Christmas Dinner                                          T
  1171. 132 Christmas Eve                                             T
  1172. 132 Country Church                                            T
  1173. 132 English Writers on America                                T
  1174. 132 Inn Kitchen                                               T
  1175. 132 John Bull                                                 T
  1176. 132 Legend of Sleepy Hollow                                   T
  1177. 132 Little Britain                                            T
  1178. 132 L'Envoy                                                   T
  1179. 132 London Antiques                                           T
  1180. 132 Mutability of Literature                                  T
  1181. 132 Philip of Pokanoket                                       T
  1182. 132 Pride of the Village                                      T
  1183. 132 Rip Van Winkle                                            T
  1184. 132 Roscoe                                                    T
  1185. 132 Royal Poet                                                T
  1186. 132 Rural Funerals                                            T
  1187. 132 Rural Life in England                                     T
  1188. 132 Spectre Bridegroom                                        T
  1189. 132 Stratford-on-Avon                                         T
  1190. 132 Stage Coach                                               T
  1191. 132 Sunday in London                                          T
  1192. 132 Traits of Indian Characters                               T
  1193. 132 Voyage                                                    T
  1194. 132 Westminster Abbey                                         T
  1195. 132 Widow and Her Son                                         T
  1196. 132 Wife                                                      T
  1197. 133 The Ambassadors                                           T
  1198. 133 The American                                              T
  1199. 133 The Aspern Papers                                         T
  1200. 133 In the Cage                                               T
  1201. 133 Confidence                                                T
  1202. 133 Daisy Miller                                              T
  1203. 133 The Europeans                                             T
  1204. 133 An International Episode                                  T
  1205. 133 Portrait of a Lady                                        T
  1206. 133 Roderick Hudson                                           T
  1207. 133 Turn of the Screw                                         T
  1208. 133 Washington Square                                         T
  1209. 134 Pragmatism                                                T
  1210. 134 Varieties of Religious Experience                         T
  1211. 136 Review of Hazlitt's Characters of Shakespeare's Plays     T
  1212. 135 Anecdote of Doctor Franklin                               T
  1213. 135 Declaration of Independence                               T
  1214. 135 Hamilton and Adams                                        T
  1215. 135 Passages from his Autobiography                           T
  1216. 135 Selections from Jefferson's Correspondence                T
  1217. 137 Darwin on Trial                                           T
  1218. 138 To the Memory of My Beloved                               T
  1219. 138 On My First Son                                           T
  1220. 138 To Celia                                                  T
  1221. 139 I Will Fight No More Forever                              T
  1222. 140 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man                     T
  1223. 141 Critique of Aesthetic Judgement                           T
  1224. 141 Critique of Aesthetic Judgement: Footnotes                
  1225. 141 Critique of Practical Reason                              T
  1226. 141 Critique of Pure Reason                                   T
  1227. 141 Principles of Metaphysic of Morals                        T
  1228. 141 Introduction - Metaphysic of Morals                       T
  1229. 141 Preface/Introduction - Metaphysical Elements              T
  1230. 141 Science of Right                                          T
  1231. 142 Four seasons fill the measure of the year                 T
  1232. 142 Addressed to Haydon                                       T
  1233. 142 After dark vapours have oppress'd our plains              T
  1234. 142 To Ailsa Rock                                             T
  1235. 142 To Autumn                                                 T
  1236. 142 Bright star! would I were stedfast as thou art-           T
  1237. 142 Character of Charles Brown                                T
  1238. 142 To Charles Cowden Clarke                                  T
  1239. 142 Day is gone and all its sweets are gone!                  T
  1240. 142 Dedication (of Poems 1817) to Leigh Hunt Esq              T
  1241. 142 On a Dream                                                T
  1242. 142 Endymion: A Poetic Romance                                T
  1243. 142 Eve of Saint Mark                                         T
  1244. 142 Fancy                                                     T
  1245. 142 Fall of Hyperion: A Dream                                 T
  1246. 142 On First Looking into Chapman's Homer                     T
  1247. 142 On Fame                                                   T
  1248. 142 For there's Bishop's teign                                T
  1249. 142 Ode on a Grecian Urn                                      T
  1250. 142 On the Grasshopper and Cricket                            T
  1251. 142 To Homer                                                  T
  1252. 142 How many bards gild the lapses of time!                   T
  1253. 142 Hyperion                                                  T
  1254. 142 I cry your mercy- pity- love!- aye love!                  T
  1255. 142 If by dull rhymes our English must be chain'd             T
  1256. 142 Imitation of Spenser                                      T
  1257. 142 Ode on Indolence                                          T
  1258. 142 Isabella; or The Pot of Basil                             T
  1259. 142 I stood tip-toe upon a little hill                        T
  1260. 142 Keen fitful gusts are whisp'ring here and there           T
  1261. 142 King Stephen                                              T
  1262. 142 La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad                        T
  1263. 142 On a Leander Gem Which a Young Lady Gave the Author       T
  1264. 142 Lines on the Mermaid Tavern                               T
  1265. 142 Lamia                                                     T
  1266. 142 Lines Rhymed in a Letter from Oxford                      T
  1267. 142 Ode to May                                                T
  1268. 142 Ode on Melancholy                                         T
  1269. 142 Modern Love                                               T
  1270. 142 To Mrs Reynolds's Cat                                     T
  1271. 142 Ode to a Nightingale                                      T
  1272. 142 Ode (Bards of Passion and of Mirth)                       T
  1273. 142 O Solitude! if I must with thee dwell                     T
  1274. 142 O thou whose face hath felt the Winter's wind             T
  1275. 142 Over the hill and over the dale                           T
  1276. 142 Poet                                                      T
  1277. 142 Ode to Psyche                                             T
  1278. 142 To J H Reynolds Esq                                       T
  1279. 142 On the Sea                                                T
  1280. 142 On Seeing the Elgin Marbles                               T
  1281. 142 On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again              T
  1282. 142 Sleep and Poetry                                          T
  1283. 142 Song About Myself                                         T
  1284. 142 Song (O blush not so!)                                    T
  1285. 142 Spenser! a jealous honourer of thine                      T
  1286. 142 Eve of St Agnes                                           T
  1287. 142 Stanzas (In drear-nighted December)                       T
  1288. 142 This living hand now warm and capable                     T
  1289. 142 To one who has been long in city pent                     T
  1290. 142 Translated from Ronsard                                   T
  1291. 142 To Sleep                                                  T
  1292. 142 To- (Time's sea hath been five years at its slow ebb)     T
  1293. 142 To- (What can I do to drive away)                         T
  1294. 142 On Visiting the Tomb of Burns                             T
  1295. 142 Written on the Day that Mr Leigh Hunt Left Prison         T
  1296. 142 When I have fears that I may cease to be                  T
  1297. 142 Written in the Cottage Where Burns Was Born               T
  1298. 142 Why did I laugh to-night? No voice will tell              T
  1299. 143 Story of My Life                                          T
  1300. 144 Rubaiyat                                                  T
  1301. 145 Westward Ho!                                              T
  1302. 146 How the First Letter was Written                          T
  1303. 146 Three And- An Extra                                       T
  1304. 146 Three Musketeers                                          T
  1305. 146 How the Alphabet was Made                                 T
  1306. 146 Beginning of the Armadilloes                              T
  1307. 146 Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly                            T
  1308. 146 Bank Fraud                                                T
  1309. 146 Beyond the Pale                                           T
  1310. 146 Bitters Neat                                              T
  1311. 146 Bronckhorst Divorce-Case                                  T
  1312. 146 Broken-Link Handicap                                      T
  1313. 146 Bisara of Pooree                                          T
  1314. 146 Butterfly that Stamped                                    T
  1315. 146 By Word of Mouth                                          T
  1316. 146 How the Camel got his Hump                                T
  1317. 146 Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin                           T
  1318. 146 Consequences                                              T
  1319. 146 Crab that Played with the Sea                             T
  1320. 146 Cat that Walked by Himself                                T
  1321. 146 Cupid's Arrows                                            T
  1322. 146 Danny Deever                                              T
  1323. 146 Daughter of the Regiment                                  T
  1324. 146 Elephant's Child                                          T
  1325. 146 In Error                                                  T
  1326. 146 False Dawn                                                T
  1327. 146 Friend's Friend                                           T
  1328. 146 Gate of the Hundred Sorrows                               T
  1329. 146 Germ-Destroyer                                            T
  1330. 146 Gunga Din                                                 T
  1331. 146 Haunted Subalterns                                        T
  1332. 146 His Chance in Life                                        T
  1333. 146 His Wedded Wife                                           T
  1334. 146 If                                                        T
  1335. 146 In the House of Suddhoo                                   T
  1336. 146 Jungle Book                                               T
  1337. 146 Jungle Book II                                            T
  1338. 146 Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo                             T
  1339. 146 Kidnapped                                                 T
  1340. 146 Kim                                                       T
  1341. 146 L'Envoi                                                   T
  1342. 146 Lispeth                                                   T
  1343. 146 How the Leopard got his Spots                             T
  1344. 146 Mandalay                                                  T
  1345. 146 Madness of Private Ortheris                               T
  1346. 146 Miss Youghal's Sais                                       T
  1347. 146 On the Strength of a Likeness                             T
  1348. 146 Other Man                                                 T
  1349. 146 Pig                                                       T
  1350. 146 In the Pride of His Youth                                 T
  1351. 146 Rescue of Pluffles                                        T
  1352. 146 How the Rhinoceros got his Skin                           T
  1353. 146 Rout of the White Hussars                                 T
  1354. 146 Story of Muhammad Din                                     T
  1355. 146 Taking of Lungtungpen                                     T
  1356. 146 To Be Filed for Reference                                 T
  1357. 146 Tods' Amendment                                           T
  1358. 146 Thrown Away                                               T
  1359. 146 Tommy                                                     T
  1360. 146 Venus Annodomini                                          T
  1361. 146 Watches of the Night                                      T
  1362. 146 How the Whale got his Throat                              T
  1363. 146 Wressley of the Foreign Office                            T
  1364. 146 Yoked with an Unbeliever                                  T
  1365. 147 Essays of Elia                                            T
  1366. 147 Essays                                                    T
  1367. 147 Last Essays of Elia                                       T
  1368. 147 Rosamund Gray                                             T
  1369. 147 Essays and Sketches                                       T
  1370. 147 On the Tragedies of Shakespeare                           T
  1371. 148 from Imaginary Conversations                              T
  1372. 149 Tao Te Ching                                              T
  1373. 150 Sons and Lovers                                           T
  1374. 151 New Colossus                                              T
  1375. 152 Owl and the Pussy-Cat                                     T
  1376. 153 To Kill a Mockingbird                                     T
  1377. 154 Monadology                                                T
  1378. 154 Correspondence with Arnauld                               T
  1379. 154 Discourse on Metaphysics                                  T
  1380. 155 The Phantom of the Opera                                  T
  1381. 157 Civil Government Second Essay                             T
  1382. 157 Human Understanding                                       T
  1383. 157 Toleration                                                T
  1384. 158 Call of the Wild                                          T
  1385. 158 Iron Heel                                                 T
  1386. 158 People of the Abyss                                       T
  1387. 158 Sea Wolf                                                  T
  1388. 158 Son of the Wolf                                           T
  1389. 158 White Fang                                                T
  1390. 159 Day is Done                                               T
  1391. 159 Hiawatha's Departure                                      T
  1392. 159 Paul Revere's Ride                                        T
  1393. 159 Village Blacksmith                                        T
  1394. 160 To Althea from Prison                                     T
  1395. 160 To Lucasta Going to the Wars                              T
  1396. 161 Abraham Lincoln                                           T
  1397. 161 An Argument for Party Reform                              T
  1398. 161 Selections from The Biglow Papers                         T
  1399. 161 On a Certain Condescension in Foreigners                  T
  1400. 161 In a Copy of Omar Khayyam                                 T
  1401. 161 In Defense of the Study of Greek                          T
  1402. 161 Dryden                                                    T
  1403. 161 Epigrams                                                  T
  1404. 161 Milton                                                    T
  1405. 161 Selections from Poetical Works                            T
  1406. 161 Shakespeare and His Style                                 T
  1407. 161 Wordsworth                                                T
  1408. 162 On the Nature of Things                                   T
  1409.  38 Last Days of Pompeii                                      T
  1410. 163 Prince                                                    T
  1411. 165 To His Coy Mistress                                       T
  1412. 164 Doctor Faustus                                            T
  1413. 164 Passionate Shepherd to His Love                           T
  1414. 166 Communist Manifesto                                       T
  1415. 167 Of Abigail His Wife                                       T
  1416. 167 Of Beelzebub and His Plot                                 T
  1417. 167 City Helped of the Lord                                   T
  1418. 167 Last Days of Increase Mather                              T
  1419. 167 Story of Margaret Rule                                    T
  1420. 169 Bel-Ami                                                   T
  1421. 168 Of Human Bondage                                          T
  1422. 168 The Moon and Sixpence                                     T
  1423. 170 Casey - Twenty Years Later                                T
  1424. 171 Bartelby the Scrivener                                    T
  1425. 171 The Bell-Tower                                            T
  1426. 171 The Encantadas, or the Enchanted Islands                  T
  1427. 171 The Piazza                                                T
  1428. 171 In the Prison Pen                                         T
  1429. 171 Sheridan at Cedar Creek                                   T
  1430. 171 The Stone Fleet                                           T
  1431. 171 Benito Cereno                                             T
  1432. 171 Billy Budd                                                T
  1433. 171 Moby Dick                                                 T
  1434. 171 Moby Dick: Footnotes                                      
  1435. 171 Typee                                                     T
  1436. 173 Renascence and Other Poems                                T
  1437. 172 The Subjection of Women                                   T
  1438. 172 On Liberty                                                T
  1439. 172 Representative Government                                 T
  1440. 172 Utilitarianism                                            T
  1441. 174 Another on the Same                                       T
  1442. 174 Areopagitica                                              T
  1443. 174 Arcades                                                   T
  1444. 174 Upon the Circumcision                                     T
  1445. 174 On the Morning of Christs Nativity                        T
  1446. 174 Comus                                                     T
  1447. 174 To Mr. Cyriack Skinner Upon His Blindness                 T
  1448. 174 Death of a Fair Infant                                    T
  1449. 174 Epitaph on the Marchioness of Winchester                  T
  1450. 174 Fifth Ode of Horace. Lib. I                               T
  1451. 174 To Sr Henry Vane the younger                              T
  1452. 174 L'Allegro                                                 T
  1453. 174 To the Lord Generall Cromwell May 1652                    T
  1454. 174 On the Lord Gen. Fairfax                                  T
  1455. 174 Lycidas                                                   T
  1456. 174 Song On May morning                                       T
  1457. 174 At a Solemn Musick                                        T
  1458. 174 On the new forcers of Conscience                          T
  1459. 174 On Time                                                   T
  1460. 174 Paraphrase on Psalm 114                                   T
  1461. 174 Paraphrase on Psalm 114: Footnotes                        
  1462. 174 Psalm 136                                                 T
  1463. 174 Psalm 136: Footnotes                                      
  1464. 174 Passion                                                   T
  1465. 174 Il Penseroso                                              T
  1466. 174 Paradise Lost                                             T
  1467. 174 Paradise Regained                                         T
  1468. 174 Psalms I-VIII                                             T
  1469. 174 Psalms LXXX-LXXXVIII                                      T
  1470. 174 Psalms LXXX-LXXXVIII: Footnotes                           
  1471. 174 Samson Agonistes                                          T
  1472. 174 On Shakespear                                             T
  1473. 174 Sonnets I & VII-XIX                                       T
  1474. 174 On the University Carrier                                 T
  1475. 174 At a Vacation Exercise                                    T
  1476. 175 Tartuffe                                                  T
  1477. 175 Would-Be Gentleman                                        T
  1478. 177 Anne of Green Gables                                      T
  1479. 177 Anne of Avonlea                                           T
  1480. 177 Anne of Green Gables                                      T
  1481. 176 Essays (Montaigne)                                        T
  1482. 180 The Haunted Bookshop                                      T
  1483. 180 Parnassus on Wheels                                       T
  1484. 179 Cabinet Qualifications                                    T
  1485. 179 He Dines with a Literary Woman                            T
  1486. 179 On the Last Days of King Louis' Reign (1789)              T
  1487. 179 A Strange Scene at Mass                                   T
  1488. 178 Essay, the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff        T
  1489. 182 On the Punctilio of the Savage                            T
  1490. 182 The Revels at Merry Mount                                 T
  1491. 182 How the Separatists Paid Debts                            T
  1492. 182 The Valiant Expedition of Captain Shrimp                  T
  1493. 182 On a Vision and a Battle                                  T
  1494. 181 The Well at the World's End                               T
  1495. 183 The Chronicles of Clovis                                  T
  1496. 183 Reginald                                                  T
  1497. 183 Reginald in Russia                                        T
  1498. 184 Thus Spake Zarathustra                                    T
  1499. 185 Highwayman                                                T
  1500. 186 Scarlet Pimpernel                                         T
  1501. 188 Metamorphoses                                             T
  1502. 189 Age of Reason                                             T
  1503. 189 American Crisis                                           T
  1504. 189 Common Sense                                              T
  1505. 189 Common Sense: Footnotes                                   
  1506. 189 Rights of Man                                             T
  1507. 189 Rights of Man: Author's Notes                             
  1508. 189 In a French Prison                                        T
  1509. 189 Liberty Tree                                              T
  1510. 189 Paine Opposes the Execution of Louis XVI                  T
  1511. 189 Study of God                                              T
  1512. 190 Pensees                                                   T
  1513. 190 Provincial Letters                                        T
  1514. 191 The Frogs of Windham                                      T
  1515. 193 Susan Lenox, Her Fall and Rise                            T
  1516. 192 Philip's Letter to the Athenians                          T
  1517. 194 Selected Poems                                            T
  1518. 195 Apology                                                   T
  1519. 195 Charmides                                                 T
  1520. 195 Cratylus                                                  T
  1521. 195 Critias                                                   T
  1522. 195 Critias: Footnotes                                        
  1523. 195 Crito                                                     T
  1524. 195 Euthydemos                                                T
  1525. 195 Euthyphro                                                 T
  1526. 195 Gorgias                                                   T
  1527. 195 Ion (Plato)                                               T
  1528. 195 Laches                                                    T
  1529. 195 Laws                                                      T
  1530. 195 Lysis                                                     T
  1531. 195 Meno                                                      T
  1532. 195 Parmenides                                                T
  1533. 195 Phaedo                                                    T
  1534. 195 Phaedrus                                                  T
  1535. 195 Philebus                                                  T
  1536. 195 Protagoras                                                T
  1537. 195 Selected Poems                                            T
  1538. 195 Republic                                                  T
  1539. 195 Seventh Letter                                            T
  1540. 195 Sophist                                                   T
  1541. 195 Statesman                                                 T
  1542. 195 Symposium                                                 T
  1543. 195 Theaetetus                                                T
  1544. 195 Timaeus                                                   T
  1545. 196 Six Enneads                                               T
  1546. 197 Alcibiades and Coriolanus Compared                        T
  1547. 197 Demetrius and Antony Compared                             T
  1548. 197 Aemilius Paulus                                           T
  1549. 197 Agesilaus                                                 T
  1550. 197 Agis                                                      T
  1551. 197 Alcibiades                                                T
  1552. 197 Aristides and Marcus Cato Compared                        T
  1553. 197 Antony                                                    T
  1554. 197 Pompey and Agesilaus Compared                             T
  1555. 197 Aratus                                                    T
  1556. 197 Aristides                                                 T
  1557. 197 Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus Compared                     T
  1558. 197 Artaxerxes                                                T
  1559. 197 Alexander                                                 T
  1560. 197 Dion and Brutus Compared                                  T
  1561. 197 Caesar                                                    T
  1562. 197 Demosthenes and Cicero Compared                           T
  1563. 197 Cleomenes                                                 T
  1564. 197 Caius Gracchus                                            T
  1565. 197 Cicero                                                    T
  1566. 197 Lucullus and Cimon Compared                               T
  1567. 197 Caius Marius                                              T
  1568. 197 Crassus and Nicias Compared                               T
  1569. 197 Cimon                                                     T
  1570. 197 Coriolanus (Plutarch)                                     T
  1571. 197 Camillus                                                  T
  1572. 197 Tiberius and Gracchus and Agis and Cleomenes Compared     T
  1573. 197 Crassus                                                   T
  1574. 197 Cato the Younger                                          T
  1575. 197 Demetrius                                                 T
  1576. 197 Dion                                                      T
  1577. 197 Demosthenes                                               T
  1578. 197 Sertorius and Eumenes Compared                            T
  1579. 197 Eumenes                                                   T
  1580. 197 Fabius                                                    T
  1581. 197 Philopoemen and Flamininus Compared                       T
  1582. 197 Flamininus                                                T
  1583. 197 Fabius and Pericles Compared                              T
  1584. 197 Galba                                                     T
  1585. 197 Lycurgus                                                  T
  1586. 197 Numa and Lycurgus Compared                                T
  1587. 197 Lysander and Sylla Compared                               T
  1588. 197 Lucullus                                                  T
  1589. 197 Lysander                                                  T
  1590. 197 Marcellus                                                 T
  1591. 197 Marcus Brutus                                             T
  1592. 197 Marcus Cato                                               T
  1593. 197 Pelopidas and Marcellus Compared                          T
  1594. 197 Nicias                                                    T
  1595. 197 Numa Pompilius                                            T
  1596. 197 Otho                                                      T
  1597. 197 Pelopidas                                                 T
  1598. 197 Philopoemen                                               T
  1599. 197 Pompey                                                    T
  1600. 197 Phocion                                                   T
  1601. 197 Poplicola                                                 T
  1602. 197 Pericles (Plutarch)                                       T
  1603. 197 Poplicola and Solon Compared                              T
  1604. 197 Pyrrhus                                                   T
  1605. 197 Romulus                                                   T
  1606. 197 Romulus and Theseus Compared                              T
  1607. 197 Sertorius                                                 T
  1608. 197 Solon                                                     T
  1609. 197 Sylla                                                     T
  1610. 197 Theseus                                                   T
  1611. 197 Themistocles                                              T
  1612. 197 Tiberius Gracchus                                         T
  1613. 197 Timoleon                                                  T
  1614. 198 To __ __ (1829)                                           T
  1615. 198 To F__                                                    T
  1616. 198 To M__                                                    T
  1617. 198 Al Aaraaf                                                 T
  1618. 198 Al Aaraaf: Footnotes                                      
  1619. 198 Dream                                                     T
  1620. 198 Alone                                                     T
  1621. 198 For Annie                                                 T
  1622. 198 Angel of the Odd                                          T
  1623. 198 Assignation                                               T
  1624. 198 Bon Bon                                                   T
  1625. 198 Berenice                                                  T
  1626. 198 Berenice: Footnotes                                       
  1627. 198 Balloon Hoax                                              T
  1628. 198 Black Cat                                                 T
  1629. 198 Business Man                                              T
  1630. 198 Bridal Ballad                                             T
  1631. 198 Cask of Amontillado                                       T
  1632. 198 Conversation of Eiros and Charmion                        T
  1633. 198 City in the Sea                                           T
  1634. 198 Colloquy of Monos and Una                                 T
  1635. 198 Coliseum                                                  T
  1636. 198 Criticism                                                 T
  1637. 198 Domain of Arnheim                                         T
  1638. 198 Devil in the Belfry                                       T
  1639. 198 Diddling Considered As One of the Exact Sciences          T
  1640. 198 Descent into the Maelstrom                                T
  1641. 198 Descent into the Maelstrom: Footnotes                     
  1642. 198 Dreamland                                                 T
  1643. 198 Dreams                                                    T
  1644. 198 Duc De L'Omlette                                          T
  1645. 198 Eleonora                                                  T
  1646. 198 Eldorado                                                  T
  1647. 198 Enigma                                                    T
  1648. 198 Eureka                                                    T
  1649. 198 Eulalie                                                   T
  1650. 198 Evening Star                                              T
  1651. 198 Elizabeth                                                 T
  1652. 198 Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar                          T
  1653. 198 Four Beasts in One                                        T
  1654. 198 Fairy-land                                                T
  1655. 198 To F__s S O__d                                            T
  1656. 198 Fall of the House of Usher                                T
  1657. 198 Gold-Bug                                                  T
  1658. 198 Haunted Palace                                            T
  1659. 198 Happiest Day the Happiest Hour                            T
  1660. 198 To Helen (1848)                                           T
  1661. 198 Hop Frog                                                  T
  1662. 198 To Helen (1831)                                           T
  1663. 198 Hans Phaall                                               T
  1664. 198 How to Write a Blackwood Article                          T
  1665. 198 Hymn                                                      T
  1666. 198 Island of the Fay                                         T
  1667. 198 Imp of the Perverse                                       T
  1668. 198 Israfel                                                   T
  1669. 198 King Pest                                                 T
  1670. 198 Loss of Breath                                            T
  1671. 198 Landor's Cottage                                          T
  1672. 198 Lenore                                                    T
  1673. 198 Landscape Garden                                          T
  1674. 198 Ligeia                                                    T
  1675. 198 Lake: To __                                               T
  1676. 198 Lionizing                                                 T
  1677. 198 Literary Life of Thingum Bob Esq                          T
  1678. 198 Masque of the Red Death                                   T
  1679. 198 Man of the Crowd                                          T
  1680. 198 Mellonta Tauta                                            T
  1681. 198 Mystification                                             T
  1682. 198 Marginalia                                                T
  1683. 198 To M. L. S__                                              T
  1684. 198 To My Mother                                              T
  1685. 198 Man that was Used Up                                      T
  1686. 198 Morella                                                   T
  1687. 198 Mesmeric Revelation                                       T
  1688. 198 MS. Found in a Bottle                                     T
  1689. 198 Metzengerstein                                            T
  1690. 198 Murders in the Rue Morgue                                 T
  1691. 198 Murders in the Rue Morgue: Footnotes                      
  1692. 198 Morning on the Wissahiccon                                T
  1693. 198 Mystery of Marie Roget                                    T
  1694. 198 Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket               T
  1695. 198 Never Bet the Devil Your Head                             T
  1696. 198 Annabel Lee                                               T
  1697. 198 Oblong Box                                                T
  1698. 198 Oval Portrait                                             T
  1699. 198 To One in Paradise                                        T
  1700. 198 Premature Burial                                          T
  1701. 198 Predicament                                               T
  1702. 198 Pit and the Pendulum                                      T
  1703. 198 Scenes from "Politian"                                    T
  1704. 198 Purloined Letter                                          T
  1705. 198 Power of Words                                            T
  1706. 198 Raven                                                     T
  1707. 198 Romance                                                   T
  1708. 198 Sonnet - To Science                                       T
  1709. 198 Serenade                                                  T
  1710. 198 Shadow -- A Parable                                       T
  1711. 198 Silence - A Fable                                         T
  1712. 198 Sleeper                                                   T
  1713. 198 Sonnet - Silence                                          T
  1714. 198 Song                                                      T
  1715. 198 Spirits of the Dead                                       T
  1716. 198 Spectacles                                                T
  1717. 198 Stanzas                                                   T
  1718. 198 Some Words with a Mummy                                   T
  1719. 198 Sphinx (Poe)                                              T
  1720. 198 System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether                       T
  1721. 198 Tamerlane                                                 T
  1722. 198 Bells                                                     T
  1723. 198 Tell-Tale Heart                                           T
  1724. 198 Thou Art the Man                                          T
  1725. 198 Tale of Jerusalem                                         T
  1726. 198 Tale of the Ragged Mountains                              T
  1727. 198 To __ (1830)                                              T
  1728. 198 To the River __                                           T
  1729. 198 Thousand and Second Tale of Scheherazade                  T
  1730. 198 Three Sundays in a Week                                   T
  1731. 198 Ulalume                                                   T
  1732. 198 Valley of Unrest                                          T
  1733. 198 Valentine                                                 T
  1734. 198 Von Kempelen and His Discovery                            T
  1735. 198 Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling        T
  1736. 198 Dream Within a Dream                                      T
  1737. 198 Conqueror Worm                                            T
  1738. 198 William Wilson                                            T
  1739. 198 X-ing the Paragrab                                        T
  1740. 198 Sonnet - To Zante                                         T
  1741. 199 An Essay on Man                                           T
  1742. 200 At the Foot of the Rainbow                                T
  1743. 200 Freckles                                                  T
  1744. 200 The Girl of the Limberlost                                T
  1745. 200 The Song of the Cardinal                                  T
  1746. 201 Commission                                                T
  1747. 201 Dance Figure                                              T
  1748. 201 E. P. Ode Pour L'Election de Son Sepulchre                T
  1749. 201 Exile's Letter                                            T
  1750. 201 From Lustra                                               T
  1751. 201 In a Station of the Metro                                 T
  1752. 201 Moeurs Contemporaines                                     T
  1753. 201 Pact                                                      T
  1754. 201 Portrait D'une Femme                                      T
  1755. 201 River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter                           T
  1756. 201 Salutation                                                T
  1757. 202 History of the Conquest of Mexico                         T
  1758. 203 Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd                             T
  1759. 205 Robin Hood                                                T
  1760. 206 Casey's Revenge                                           T
  1761. 207 Miniver Cheevy                                            T
  1762. 207 Richard Cory                                              T
  1763. 208 Inaugural Speech of FDR given in Washington, DC           T
  1764. 209 Remember                                                  T
  1765. 210 Cyrano de Bergerac                                        T
  1766. 211 Discourse on the Moral Effects                            T
  1767. 211 Discourse on the Origins of Inequality                    T
  1768. 211 Discourse on Political Economy                            T
  1769. 211 The Social Contract                                       T
  1770. 211 Confessions (Rousseau)                                    T
  1771. 212 Story of Her Captivity Sufferings and Restoration         T
  1772. 213 Charlotte Temple                                          T
  1773. 214 Gulistan                                                  T
  1774. 215 Chicago Poems                                             T
  1775. 216 Selected Works of Sappho                                  T
  1776. 217 American Idea of Religious Freedom                        T
  1777. 218 Chronicles of the Cannongate                              T
  1778. 218 The Keepsake Stories                                      T
  1779. 218 Waverley                                                  T
  1780. 219 I Have a Rendezvous with Death                            T
  1781. 220 Ballads of Cheechako                                      T
  1782. 220 Shooting of Dan McGrew                                    T
  1783. 220 The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses                   T
  1784. 221 Early Anti-Slavery Tract                                  T
  1785. 221 How Judge Sewall Courted Madam Winthrop                   T
  1786. 221 Judge's Confession                                        T
  1787. 223 Arms and the Man                                          T
  1788. 223 Caesar and Cleopatra                                      T
  1789. 223 Man and Superman                                          T
  1790. 223 Pygmalion                                                 T
  1791. 222 First Part of King Henry IV                               T
  1792. 222 First Part of King Henry VI                               T
  1793. 222 Second Part of King Henry IV                              T
  1794. 222 Second Part of King Henry VI                              T
  1795. 222 Third Part of King Henry VI                               T
  1796. 222 All's Well That Ends Well                                 T
  1797. 222 Antony and Cleopatra                                      T
  1798. 222 As You Like It                                            T
  1799. 222 Comedy of Errors                                          T
  1800. 222 Coriolanus                                                T
  1801. 222 Cymbeline                                                 T
  1802. 222 Henry V                                                   T
  1803. 222 Henry VIII                                                T
  1804. 222 Hamlet Prince of Denmark                                  T
  1805. 222 Julius Caesar                                             T
  1806. 222 King John                                                 T
  1807. 222 King Lear                                                 T
  1808. 222 Love's Labour's Lost                                      T
  1809. 222 Lover's Complaint                                         T
  1810. 222 Macbeth                                                   T
  1811. 222 Measure for Measure                                       T
  1812. 222 Merchant of Venice                                        T
  1813. 222 Merry Wives of Windsor                                    T
  1814. 222 Midsummer Night's Dream                                   T
  1815. 222 Much Ado About Nothing                                    T
  1816. 222 Othello                                                   T
  1817. 222 Passionate Pilgrim                                        T
  1818. 222 Pericles                                                  T
  1819. 222 Phoenix and the Turtle                                    T
  1820. 222 King Richard II                                           T
  1821. 222 King Richard III                                          T
  1822. 222 Rape of Lucrece                                           T
  1823. 222 Romeo and Juliet                                          T
  1824. 222 Sonnets                                                   T
  1825. 222 Taming of the Shrew                                       T
  1826. 222 Tempest                                                   T
  1827. 222 Timon of Athens                                           T
  1828. 222 Titus Andronicus                                          T
  1829. 222 Troilus and Cressida                                      T
  1830. 222 Twelfth Night                                             T
  1831. 222 Two Gentlemen of Verona                                   T
  1832. 222 Venus and Adonis                                          T
  1833. 222 Winter's Tale                                             T
  1834. 224 Frankenstein                                              T
  1835. 224 Frankenstein: Footnotes                                   
  1836. 225 Love's Philosophy                                         T
  1837. 225 Ode to the West Wind                                      T
  1838. 225 Ozymandias                                                T
  1839. 225 To a Skylark                                              T
  1840. 227 School for Scandal                                        T
  1841. 226 Character of Mistress Joanna Shepard                      T
  1842. 226 Spiritual Experiences of a Puritan                        T
  1843. 228 Quo Vadis                                                 T
  1844. 229 Jungle                                                    T
  1845. 231 Adventure on the Chickahominy                             T
  1846. 231 On the Advantages of New England                          T
  1847. 231 Romance of Pocahontas                                     T
  1848. 230 Wealth of Nations                                         T
  1849. 232 Ajax                                                      T
  1850. 232 Antigone                                                  T
  1851. 232 Electra (Sophocles)                                       T
  1852. 232 Oedipus at Colonus                                        T
  1853. 232 Oedipus the King                                          T
  1854. 232 Philoctetes                                               T
  1855. 232 Trachiniae                                                T
  1856. 233 Epithalamion                                              T
  1857. 233 Faerie Queen                                              T
  1858. 234 Heidi                                                     T
  1859. 235 Shrinking History                                         T
  1860. 236 Grapes of Wrath                                           T
  1861. 236 Of Mice and Men                                           T
  1862. 236 Pearl                                                     T
  1863. 237 Red and the Black                                         T
  1864. 238 Child's Garden of Verses                                  T
  1865. 238 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde                   T
  1866. 238 Kidnapped                                                 T
  1867. 238 Markheim                                                  T
  1868. 238 New Arabian Nights                                        T
  1869. 238 Requiem                                                   T
  1870. 238 Treasure Island                                           T
  1871. 240 Uncle Tom's Cabin                                         T
  1872. 240 Uncle Tom's Cabin: Footnotes                              
  1873. 239 Dracula                                                   T
  1874. 241 Memoir of Mrs Behn                                        T
  1875. 242 Gulliver's Travels                                        T
  1876. 242 Modest Proposal                                           T
  1877. 243 Annals                                                    T
  1878. 243 Histories                                                 T
  1879. 244 Gitanjali (Song Offerings)                                T
  1880. 245 Break Break Break                                         T
  1881. 245 Charge of the Light Brigade                               T
  1882. 245 Crossing the Bar                                          T
  1883. 245 Flower in the Crannied Wall                               T
  1884. 245 Idylls of the King                                        T
  1885. 245 Ring Out Wild Bells                                       T
  1886. 245 Sweet and Low Sweet and Low                               T
  1887. 246 Casey at the Bat                                          T
  1888. 248 Hound of Heaven                                           T
  1889. 247 Imitation of Christ                                       T
  1890. 249 Civil Disobedience                                        T
  1891. 249 Life Without Principle                                    T
  1892. 249 Plea for Captain John Brown                               T
  1893. 249 Slavery in Massachusetts                                  T
  1894. 249 Walden                                                    T
  1895. 250 History of the Peloponnesian War                          T
  1896. 251 The Forged Coupon and Other Stories (1911)                T
  1897. 251 Anna Karenina                                             T
  1898. 251 War and Peace                                             T
  1899. 251 War and Peace: Footnotes                                  
  1900. 252 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn                            T
  1901. 252 Innocents Abroad                                          T
  1902. 252 Life on the Mississippi                                   T
  1903. 252 Prince and the Pauper                                     T
  1904. 252 Speeches                                                  T
  1905. 252 Tom Sawyer                                                T
  1906. 252 The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories                     T
  1907. 252 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court               T
  1908. 252 Ghost Story                                               T
  1909. 252 A New Crime Legislation Needed                            T
  1910. 252 Niagara                                                   T
  1911. 252 Political Economy                                         T
  1912. 252 A Tramp Abroad                                            T
  1913. 252 Tom Sawyer, Detective                                     T
  1914. 252 The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson                          T
  1915. 252 My Watch                                                  T
  1916. 252 What is Man? and Other Essays                             T
  1917. 253 From the Earth to the Moon                                T
  1918. 253 Around to the Moon                                        T
  1919. 253 Journey to the Center of the Earth                        T
  1920. 253 Journey to the Center of the Earth: Footnotes             
  1921. 253 Around the World in Eighty Days                           T
  1922. 253 Mysterious Island                                         T
  1923. 253 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea                     T
  1924. 254 Aeneid                                                    T
  1925. 254 Eclogues                                                  T
  1926. 254 Georgics                                                  T
  1927. 255 Candide                                                   T
  1928. 256 Introduction of New Species                               T
  1929. 256 Tendency of Varieties                                     T
  1930. 256 Tendency of Varieties: Footnotes                          
  1931. 257 Ben Hur                                                   T
  1932. 258 Death of Parson Caldwell's Wife                           T
  1933. 258 John Adams's Monarchical Ideas                            T
  1934. 258 Woman's Trifling Needs                                    T
  1935. 259 Up From Slavery                                           T
  1936. 260 Daddy-Long-Legs                                           T
  1937. 261 The Invisible Man                                         T
  1938. 261 Time Machine                                              T
  1939. 261 War of the Worlds                                         T
  1940. 262 Ethan Frome                                               T
  1941. 262 Summer                                                    T
  1942. 263 Remarks on Some of the Characters in Shakespeare          T
  1943. 264 Liberty and Peace                                         T
  1944. 264 Poems                                                     T
  1945. 266 Barbara Frietchie                                         T
  1946. 265 Leaves of Grass                                           T
  1947. 265 Leaves of Grass: Footnotes                                
  1948. 267 Day of Doom                                               T
  1949. 267 Vanity of Vanities                                        T
  1950. 268 Ballad of Reading Gaol                                    T
  1951. 268 Burden of Itys                                            T
  1952. 268 Charmides (Wilde)                                         T
  1953. 268 Eleutheria                                                T
  1954. 268 Flowers of Gold                                           T
  1955. 268 Flower of Love                                            T
  1956. 268 Fourth Movement                                           T
  1957. 268 Garden of Eros                                            T
  1958. 268 Happy Prince                                              T
  1959. 268 Humanitad                                                 T
  1960. 268 Impressions de Theatre                                    T
  1961. 268 Importance of Being Earnest                               T
  1962. 268 Lady Windermere's Fan                                     T
  1963. 268 Miscellaneous Poems                                       T
  1964. 268 Nightingale and the Rose                                  T
  1965. 268 Panthea                                                   T
  1966. 268 Picture of Dorian Gray                                    T
  1967. 268 Ravenna                                                   T
  1968. 268 Rosa Mystica                                              T
  1969. 268 Salome                                                    T
  1970. 268 Selfish Giant                                             T
  1971. 268 Sphinx (Wilde)                                            T
  1972. 268 Wind Flowers                                              T
  1973. 268 Woman of No Importance                                    T
  1974. 269 Bloody Tenent Yet More Bloody                             T
  1975. 269 Warning to Endicott                                       T
  1976. 270 Farewell from the Arbella                                 T
  1977. 270 Of Liberty and Authority                                  T
  1978. 270 Model of Christian Charity                                T
  1979. 270 Night in the Forest                                       T
  1980. 270 Preparation for Parting                                   T
  1981. 271 Puritan Wife to Her Husband                               T
  1982. 271 Trust of a Godly Woman                                    T
  1983. 122 Articles of Capitulation at Yorktown                      T
  1984. 122 Articles of Confederation (US)                            T
  1985.  11 Beowulf (Germany)                                         T
  1986. 204 Bhagavad Gita (Hindu)                                     T
  1987. 204 Bible (King James Version) (Christian)                    T
  1988. 204 Book of Mormon                                            T
  1989. 204 Buddha His Life and Teachings                             T
  1990. 204 Budda The Word                                            T
  1991. 122 Chronicle of the Cid (Spain)                              T
  1992. 122 Constitution (US)                                         T
  1993. 122 Recognition of the Independence of Cuba                   T
  1994. 204 Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible: The Apocrypha        T
  1995. 122 Declaration of Independence (US)                          T
  1996. 204 Egyptian Book of the Dead (Egyptian)                      T
  1997. 122 Emancipation Proclamation                                 T
  1998. 122 Federalist Papers (US)                                    T
  1999. 122 Federalist Papers (US): Footnotes                         
  2000. 122 Treaty with France                                        T
  2001. 156 Gettysburg Address                                        T
  2002. 122 Instrument of Government                                  T
  2003. 122 Code of Hammurabi                                         T
  2004. 122 Code of Hammurabi-Commentary                              T
  2005. 122 Annexation of the Hawaiian Islands                        T
  2006. 204 Koran (Muslim)                                            T
  2007. 122 Lee's Farewell to his Army                                T
  2008. 122 Lee's Surrender at Appomattox                             T
  2009. 156 Lincoln's First Inaugural Address                         T
  2010. 122 Magna Carta (England)                                     T
  2011. 204 Laws of Manu (Hindu)                                      T
  2012. 122 Mayflower Compact                                         T
  2013. 122 Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence                   T
  2014. 122 Treaty with Mexico                                        T
  2015. 122 Monroe Doctrine                                           T
  2016.  11 Nibelungenlied                                            T
  2017. 122 Convention Between U.S. and Panama                        T
  2018. 204 Popol Vuh (Mayan)                                         T
  2019. 122 Petition of Right                                         T
  2020. 122 Declaration of Rights                                     T
  2021.  11 Song of Roland                                            T
  2022. 122 Treaty with Russia                                        T
  2023. 122 Fugitive Slave Act                                        T
  2024. 122 Treaty with Spain (1898)                                  T
  2025.  10 Bay Psalm Book                                            T
  2026. 122 Treaty with Spain (1819)                                  T
  2027. 204 Upanishads                                                T
  2028.  10 O Western Wind                                            T
  2029. 272 Vindication of the Rights of Woman                        T
  2030. 272 Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman                             T
  2031. 274 How He Testified in the Meeting Against Slavery           T
  2032. 273 The Voyage Out                                            T
  2033. 275 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud                              T
  2034. 275 My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold                           T
  2035. 275 Ode: Intimations of Immortality                           T
  2036. 275 She Was a Phantom of Delight                              T
  2037. 275 She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways                        T
  2038. 275 Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey            T
  2039. 275 World is Too Much With Us                                 T
  2040. 276 Swiss Family Robinson                                     T
  2041. 277 Down by the Salley Gardens                                T
  2042. 277 Lake Isle of Innisfree                                    T
  2043. 277 Song of Wandering Aengus                                  T
  2044. 277 To a Friend Whose Work has Come to Nothing                T
  2045. 277 When You are Old                                          T